July 8, 2008


Q1. What inspired you to shoot in Lamu?

Ans. To me, Lamu with its narrow and untouched streets represented the human mind in fear that keeps us small and narrow and fears expansion and growth. The town sits at the edge of the ever-expansive Indian Ocean, that to me was symbolic of the freedom and expansion that we are born to.

Q2. What made you write the story? Where you raised Muslim?

Ans. The story is a personal one that I experienced myself. No I was not raised as a Muslim. To me, the Bui Bui is again symbolic of the cage of conformity that we find ourselves in. I grew up in a British boarding school where i was sent at the age of 5 yrs in India. On coming home for the holidays, I could see things from an outsiders perspective and noticed how important the role of the society was, in keeping people to conform to one narrow way of life and if anyone wanted to be different, eyebrows were raised to keep that person in line.

I feel we are born with different abilities and potentials, those should be encouraged to flower and hence we celebrate our uniqueness


Anonymous said...

do you feel you might be offending the people who are still following the old rules?

and in the feature will you be focusing on the strength of the women and their empowernment?

cant wait to see the full feature

Sally - Kisauni

Anonymous said...

Lamu is such a beautiful place and looks closed and maintaining their culture